miércoles, 26 de junio de 2024

Bye Bye Bloggers

Hi! Personally, the blog that I liked the most was the concert, because I haven´t been to many and the ones I have been to, I liked them. I don´t think there is one I don´t like, but the blog of the place that i would like to visit I didn´t know which place tu choose, because i like many of them.

I liked read two blogs, the first, in which they write about them, beause it was fun to learn about what they like, such as sports, music, etc. Also, i liked read the places that visit in Chile, because we are always getting to know new interesting places.

I think the blogs have helped me in my writing and learn new words, also help in reading when I read your blogs and the blogs of my colleagues. I think it´s a fun way to learn. I have enjoyed learning more from personal experiencies, writing about things I do and meet other people with their blogs.

domingo, 16 de junio de 2024

British Council Learning English website

I think it is interesting take a test to understand the order and conditions of the language. When learning I think it is important to understand the order of words and also practice wtih the exercises. I like that the website teaches in an easy and orderly manner. Finally, I think it is a good idea that when answering the test, you can see the correct and incorrect answers to know what to improve. I would recommend this website to learn English and exercise with short tests.

 Last weekend

HI! On Saturday morning I woke up at 9:oo a.m. and  I went to center Santiago with my mom and we return in the afternoon. Then, I arranged my things and  I went to my friend's house for her birthday and after the night we went out. I had a great time. And on Sunday I was at my friend's house doing some work all afternoon. Finally, I returned home at 21:00 p.m.

domingo, 2 de junio de 2024

 Place I would like to visit

HI! I would like to visit México, to go with my parents, because they would like to visit you and it would be a good experience. And personally, I would like to visit Italia, because when watching movies, I like the scenary of the place. I Think the food should be very good and I would like to walk the streets of the country. On this trip, I would go alone or my family.

Bye Bye Bloggers Hi! Personally, the blog that I liked the most was the concert, because I haven´t been to many and the ones I have been to,...